Through the website, Cerveja Korisca provides users with general information about the company and the products marketed.
By starting navigation, the User accepts the present Terms and Conditions of Use, and by accepting them the User expresses:
That he/she has read, understood and understood what is set out in the present document;
That he/she is an individual of legal drinking age according to the rules of the country where the navigation will take place. As provided in DL N.º50/2013, of April 16 for individuals in Portugal;
That you are an individual of sufficient age and capacity to be able to contract;
That you assume all of the obligations set forth herein;
The use of the website attributes the condition of User of the same and implies the acceptance of all the terms included in these general conditions;
The User should carefully read these general conditions each time he accesses the website, since they may undergo changes;
The owner of the website is not responsible for any damage to health that may be caused by incorrect and improper use of the products marketed on the website.
To confirm, click the button below